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Big Friend Application (old version)

Non-Discrimination Policy and Disclaimer: Participant eligibility shall be determined without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability. All information collected is confidential. We ask the following questions to better understand the needs of the volunteers we serve. Thank you!

Big Friend Application

First Name *
Last Name *
Address Line 1 *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
Education Level
What languages do you speak fluently? (select all that apply)
Please provide at least three references below including: 1) Your spouse or domestic partner OR a family member if you do not have a spouse, partner, or significant other 2) Current or former employee or co-worker you have known for at least one year or someone from your school if you are a student 3) A friend or neighbor you have known for at least two years
First Name *
Last Name *
First Name *
Last Name *
First Name *
Last Name *
Check here giving your permission for these three references to be contacted by the Friends Director.
Check here giving permission for Friends to conduct a background check using public records.
Little Friend Grade Level Prefered
Program Preference
School-based matches are where Big and Little's spend time inside the child's school. This would mean you would go to the child's school sometime between the hours of 9am-3pm to complete an activity. You could have lunch with them, play a board game, do homework together or join them at recess. Community-based matches spend time outside of the school. The Bigs would pick up their Little Friend from school or from their home and do an activity out in the community. Late afternoons, early evenings or weekends are primarily the times when community-based matches spend time together. Please choose if you'd rather be considered a school-based or community-based match below.
I agree to give one hour a week to my Little Friend. I understand that I am not responsible for expenses other than for myself. I agree to keep a written report of the time spent with my Little Friend and to communicate with the Friends Director regularly, especially should any concerns arise. I agree to complete the monthly match report.